An article by Madrassah Arabia Islamia (Darul Uloom Azaadville)
ISLĀM is the only religion accepted in the sight of Allāh Ta’ālā. Every other religion has been distorted and changed by its adherents and their true essence has long been lost. In fact, every religion besides Islām has been abrogated and cancelled.
Muslims wish well for others at all times by displaying the conduct and character traits as taught by Sayyidunā Muḥammad ṣallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Wishing well for a non-Muslim entails making du’ā for their guidance, inviting them to the straight path by word and deed, and by holding firm upon the Sunnah—as that will lead others to accept the true faith and way of life.
If a non-Muslim
Among the evil practices in vogue is speaking or worldly conversation inside the Musjid. Even Ulama are careless in this regard.
Once when Nabi Isaa (Alayhis salaam) saw some people speaking inside the Musjid, he knotted his shawl into a rope and struck the people with it. Severely reprimanding them, he expelled them from the Musjid.
Standing in the Musjid in conversation has become a norm. This sin is practised on occasions of Nikah. Immediately after the Nikah, people stand in groups engaging in stupid, silly talk which is HARAAM inside the Musjid even if permissible outside the Musjid. They become totally oblivious of the fact that they are in the Musjid, hence their haraam bantering. They invite the Wrath and Curse of Allah Ta’ala when they defile the sanctity of the Musjid with their gibberish talk.
The Musjid is not the venue for congratulating the groom, for shaking hands and exchanging silly ‘niceties’. Such worldly talk in the Musjid is
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